Welcome to our Website, I hope that in some small way it will be a comfort and a blessing
to you!
I want you to know that no matter who you are or what you do or don’t do according to the world’s
standard, God loves you and He desires to be in relationship with you! Did you know that He’s right there waiting for
you to acknowledge Him and accept Him as your Lord and Savior?? He’s a gentleman, He would never force His self on you
but if you just whisper or scream, either way He will hear, He knows your heart and that’s what He’s listening
My name is Pastor Pam, we at Living Faith Fellowship desire for you to come to know Jesus Christ as your Lord
and Savior! It’s a very simple prayer, say Lord Jesus I believe that you love me and you died on the Cross for me so
that I maybe saved and spend eternity with you. I ask you now to forgive me of my sins, come into my heart, cleanse me and
change in me what needs to be changed to bring glory to your name, IN JESUS NAME. AMEN! AMEN!
If you’ve
prayed this prayer you’ve been born again, old things have passed away and you are now a new creature in Christ. You
might say well I don’t look any different or I don’t feel any different and you may not immediately sense it but
when you prayed that prayer God implanted his spirit in you and as you began to learn and feed that spirit with the word God
will began to change your life from Glory to Glory!
We pray that you will find a Church that will encourage you, love
you and help you to be all you can be in Christ!
We at Living Faith Fellowship invite you to come and join us on Sunday
mornings at 11:00 AM, to worship and to hear God’s word. We are a loving group who loves Jesus and we desire to see
lives saved so that as we are here we may also be in heaven, together worshiping our Lord, Jesus Christ!
Send us a
note if you made Jesus your Lord and Savior, we’d like to send you some material to help you get started in your walk
with the Lord!
God Bless you and if we can ever be of service to you, just let us know!
Pastor Pam Hefner
"We live by Faith, not by sight"